- Tips
Learn how to prepare a jet ski for winter

Every jet ski enthusiast loves summer months and ideal weather conditions for riding. But, with the onset of winter, it’s time to prepare your PWC for storage to ensure it’s in top condition when the next season rolls around. Proper winterizing ensures your jet ski stays in good condition, preventing repairs, and allowing you to enjoy the water without any hiccups. Here’s how to prepare your jet ski for winter.
Step 1: Clean your PWC
Before anything else - clean your jet ski and remove all the objects you don’t need in it. Check the storage compartment and remove sunglasses, towels, or anything else that is inside and then wipe out the inside of each compartment.
You can leave storage compartments partially open just to prevent moisture and condensation. Also, if you are afraid of critters nesting inside, you can spritz a peppermint spray which will keep them away.
Step 2: Drain the jet ski
When you put your PWC on a trailer it will have a fair bit of water inside and if left in a place for winter, stored water can freeze. That can also cause damage to your jet ski - that is why is really important to clear water and run the engine in short bursts until there is no more water coming out. After that, check out the manufacturer’s guide for flushing the system. That method will remove any algae, silt, and other debris that may have been sucked into your PWC.

Step 3: Run antifreeze
If you want to be sure that freezing temperatures will not damage your jet ski, run antifreeze through the cooling system. Run a short hose from the bucket to the flush outlet. Throttle the engine in short bursts until the solution has flowed entirely through the system. That way, the antifreeze will replace any residual water.
Step 4: Fog the engine
Moisture isn’t just a concern inside the PWC, but because of condensation, it can form anywhere inside your engine. To reduce it, apply fogging oil to spark plugs to prevent damage.
Begin by removing the air filter and then, treat the cylinders. In order to have the best results, idle the engine, so the oil gets sucked in. Next, pull all the spark plugs and spray inside each cylinder hole. Cover all the holes with a clean rag and run the engine for a few minutes. The rag is there to prevent oil from being splattered everywhere.

This is an excellent opportunity to check your spark plugs - and if they are dirty, clean them. If they are corroded - replace them.
Step 5: Remove the battery
When left connected, the PWC battery will slowly drain over time. After a whole winter, you can easily find that your battery is completely dead. You can avoid this by simply disconnecting the battery for the winter. Remove it from the jet ski and store the battery in a dry place and above freezing temperature.
Ideally, you would want to put your battery on a trickle charger for the winter. Also, consider storing the battery on a shelf, a mat, or an area guaranteed to stay dry. Never leave a battery directly on the floor.
Step 6: Cover and store the jet ski
The most accessible place to store your jet ski is on its trailer. Regardless of whether your trailer is indoors or outdoors, it is always a good idea to keep a cover on your jet ski to protect it from dirt and dust.
In order to keep bugs and rodents away from your engine, plug any holes with a sturdy, packable material like steel wool, and you will be set for the winter.
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